Quality Tips From Our Experts!

Remember, once a tree is cut, it’s on its natural journey, and a few needles might decide it’s time to venture out. If you notice an exodus of needles, check your tree’s water supply and ensure it’s not cozying up to a heat source.

- Scott

Owner of Quality Tree Farm

When you first water your tree, go ahead and pamper it with some warm or hot water. It’s like a spa treatment for your tree! This helps it open up beautifully and keeps sap in check.

- Lily

Operations Manager

After you’ve chosen the perfect Christmas tree, treat it like a guest of honor. The moment you can, get it in water pronto! And if you can’t set it up right away, no worries, just pop it in a bucket of water to keep it refreshed.

- Mackenzie

Assistant Operations Manager

Make checking your tree’s water needs a daily ritual. As a useful rule of thumb, for every inch in trunk diameter, your tree becomes quite the thirsty fellow, happily consuming about a quart of water. A humidifier is also a valuable tool in keeping your tree looking healthy!

- Susan

Assistant Operations Manager

Quality Tree Farm

Quality Tree Farm, 7279 Smith Road Chambersburg, PA 17202



Hours of Operation